Krishna Prabhakar scholarship for Vishy Anand Camp in Pune
This is the fourth scholarship by the HelpChess Initiative of ChessBase India Foundation. This scholarship is specifically instituted for a young student who hails from a weak financial background, has a FIDE rating and is keen to learn and improve at chess. The entire fee to attend the ChampCoach Vishy Anand Camp in Pune on 16th and 17th February 2019 of ₹9440 has been contributed by a samaritan named Krishna Prabhakar. It is a lifetime opportunity to learn from none other than five-time World Champion Vishy Anand without any cost. The last date for application is 9th February 2019.
The HelpChess Initiative by ChessBase India Foundation has two active scholarships at the moment. The MKG Scholarship of Rs.50,000 was won by K. Priyanka and the "Pursue your Chess" Scholarship also of Rs.50,000 was won by Sammed Shete. We have already decided the winner of the the Dennis Kow Scholarship of Rs.51,000 and it will be announced shortly. Our fourth scholarship is for Krishna Prabhakar scholarship for the Champcoach camp of Vishy Anand which is to be held in Pune on the 16th and 17th of February 2019. The entry fee to the camp is Rs.9440 and it has been completely sponsored by Krishna Prabhakar. The person who will win the scholarship will receive free entry to Anand's camp on 16th and 17th of February 2019.
Who is Krishna Prabhakar?
Krishna Prabhakar learnt the game of chess at the age of 18 years in 1972 when the World Championship between Spassky and Fischer was in progress. Over the years he tried to play chess and also dabbled in correspondence chess, but the stress of the work didn't let him focus on the sport. In 2017, he retired from his job and started to have more time to pursue his passion. But at the same time he was struck by Alzheimer's disease. He began to forget things - simple things like flushing the toilet after using it or remembering appointments and names. Once he went to market with his wife and forgot about her and came back home alone. Naturally, this was a big problem and in order to solve it, Krishna went to the doctor for a solution. The doctor asked him to start playing chess and that's how Krishna was once again reunited with the game of 64 squares that he loves so much.
Scholarship Name:
Krishna Prabhakar Scholarship for Champcoach Vishy Anand camp
Nature of Scholarship:
One time scholarship of ₹9440 for Anand's Camp in Pune on 16th and 17th of February.
Why is this scholarship instituted?
Says Krishna Prabhakar, "I love to help people to the best of my ability. It makes me happy and keeps me healthy . You can say it is my hobby. That's the reason why I have instituted the Champcoach Vishy Anand camp scholarship."
Who can apply?
Krishna Prabhakar's idea is that a young and poor student with a FIDE rating will benefit more out of this scholarship.
How to apply?
All those who wish to apply for this scholarship must apply through the form below by by 9th February 2019.
To apply for scholarship, click here to fill up the form
More about the ChampCoach Vishy Anand camp:
What is Champcoach by Vishy Anand?
For which level is the Vishy Anand Champ Coach scholarship aimed at?
About HelpChess
HelpChess is an initiative by ChessBase India Foundation. It is the banner under which we want to continue all our charitable activities. The name clearly mentions what we are aiming for. We are looking for individuals who would like to help the talents of Indian chess by donating money or instituting a scholarship or donating in kind, so that the financial burdens on the players who come from humble background are reduced to an extent. The logo of HelpChess clearly shows this philosophy.
There are many people all over the world who want to contribute financially to the growth of Indian chess. There are many talents in India who are in need of these finances. HelpChess aims to act as a bridge. We believe that when ordinary people come together and contribute, extraordinary things can happen to our chess society.
Know more about HelpChess:
The Launch of ChessBase India Foundation
MKG Scholarship of Rs.50,000 for a girl under the age of 18
K. Priyanka wins the MKG Scholarship of Rs.50,000
Scholarship of free coaching for one year to the deserving candidate
Don't give up on your dreams, "Pursue Your Chess" Scholarship is here
Sammed Shete wins the Pursue your chess scholarship of Rs.50,000
Dennis Kow scholarship of Rs.51,000 for the differently abled
If you would like to contribute towards a good cause, write to us at